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Wiki Thoughts


Wiki V Blog

Alls I want is a tool so that I can keep information consistent at home, at work or wherever I happen to be. I am currently using a 60 day free trial of .Mac? which has helped considerably in getting my bookmarks in order and my address book finally useable. I found my hands tied when I wanted to do any address entry, thinking it would just go into a black hole and I'd never know where to find it. Addresses are here and there on bits of paper, but mostly here and there embedded in bits and pieces of software that are in use or retired from use. At least this gives me the option to merge the personal information that I have on my two instances of the Macintosh Mail program that I have on the two macs that I currently use.

So this leads to the question of whether I blog or wiki. I had set up a couple of blogs but found trouble getting into them. The first one is powered by Greymatter ( and I used it for my writing class. It is more or less like a diary, though now having worked with a wiki (for all of 12 hours!) for a while I can see that there must be a way to do it in a non-diary sort of way. The second one Word Press? ( runs on My Sql? platform and seems cool (man the installation absolutely kicks butt!), but the formatting was funny and documentation sparse. But all and all at this point I think Wikidom is the way to go.

I found the idea of sitting down and writing a blog "article" each day or week or occasionally (which was actually what I ended up doing) was pressure that didn't set well with me. But this idea of a fluid life narrative that is easily accessible from anywhere with a web browser is very attractive to me. Although now I realize that blogs are probably not that constrained, but it was only through doing this wiki that I learned how fluid it could actually be.

In sum: I absolutely love wikis but it has given me a new perspective from which to view blogdom. I look forward to using this expanding wiki and gaining a fresh perspective on the blogosphere.


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Page last modified on January 30, 2005, at 07:12 AM