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SRRITheme Studies I: Simplicity and Peace Spring 2009Meets Monday 5, 6 2:00-3:50 in room 304 For more information go to If you have questions, there is information there about how to contact me by e-mail or to see my schedule. Course DescriptionWe will explore peace by considering simplicity. In the search for simplicity we can find some directions for finding peace in our lives, with other people and in the environment we live in. We will consider peace and simplicity through the eyes of three different groups: The Amish, subsistence cultures around the world, and the people of Japan in the past and the present. Students will become familiar with these ideas and develop skills of listening to lectures, watching videos, reading, discussing, presentation and writing a research paper. There are two Presentations or Poster Sessions Weekly Writing of at least 1 handwritten page (about 250 words) attached together in a notebook form. You must bring this to every class. They will be used for reading and discussion. I will check them occasionally. If I don't give any specific assignment you are to react to the previous class. Writing is due by the following class. If I check the notebook and you don't have it, you will get a zero. I will remove the two lowest grades from your notebook. If you know you are going to be absent, please leave the notebook with me before the absence. GradingClass Work/Other Work (40%)
Research Paper (40%) (Outline is 10%, the rough draft is 15% and the final draft is 15%.) Final Presentation/Quiz (20%) Class LinksClass Plan