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Research /
Publications"A Placement Test for Spoken Language Using MASLE (Machine-Aided Spoken Language Evaluation)" 4th International Wireless Ready Symposium, Nagoya Japan, Feb. 21, 2009. "Software Demonstration: for MASLE (Machine-Aided Spoken Language Evaluation)" IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education, Phuket, Thailand, March 16-18, 2009. "How Machine Aided Spoken Language Evaluation (MASLE) can revolutionize speaking practice, testing and research" invited presentation at the National Institute of Education, English Language and Literature, Singapore, March 11, 2009. JALT CALL 2007 Workshop at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan June 1, 2007. "Tools for Web-Based Speaking Tests and Practice." TESOL 2007 in Seattle Washington. I'm doing a poster session on March 24, 2007 from 12:30-13:45. Tesol users can use the system here use the classkey "tesol2007" as you register. Speaking tests and practice through your browser Teaman, Brian D., Steve Mc Carty and Takeshi Tamura (2005) Machine-Aided Spoken Language Evaluation: The Test Delivery Module. Brian Teaman Steve Mc Carty and Takeshi Tamura. Proceedings of Japan E-Learning Association (JELA) Meeting, Kobe Japan. Teaman, Brian D. (2003) Jalt 2003 (A review of the JALT 2003 conference in Shizuoka Japan. Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL/ Newsletter. Series 4, Dec. 2003 pp. 24-27. (Available Online here: APACALL NEWSLETTER ASIA-PACIFIC ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTER-ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING Series No. 4, December 2003 |