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Software /
SoftwareInstalling HTK on Debian
OK, this is gonna be long. I am totally lost. I tried to install it on my mac too and similar problems. I should delete all copies of HTK on my computer except for one and try to install. On the macintosh I apparently need tools. The installation looks pretty daunting. Not sure at which point I need them but I'm gonna have to figure out some way to get hparse working. SkypeSkype quickly became a verb, probably faster than Google did. (Linguistic note to self: Make product names that can be verbed!) And it is a solution as good as Google was back when Google became the search engine. Skype quickly became my desktop phone. It keeps my phone numbers straight across different machines, charges some of the cheapest prices, has great audio and is very reliable. Mine crashed once, after a 4-5 party phone chat. Skype on! I am brianskyman on skype if you want to try to contact me that way. NikotelI use this because it has mac software for VOIP. System and prices are good for internet phone. However, I'm also using SKYPE for IM and VOIP. After you download, the beginning setup is very tricky because finding the info on the web is pretty difficult. It really seems like they want to sell handsets and aren't really interested in letting you find their software and setup info. So I'll help you out. Here is the download page: Here is the set up page: |