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Radio /
Left Radio ReviewExperimenting with Ideas that I hope to put on dailykos and maybe other venues. I will try to post highlights of Radio from radio programs that I listen to regularly through the internet or using a portable audio device (a.k.a. podcasts). Rating system * ho hum ** might be of interest to those who really care about the issues presented here. *** Of general interest or some tidbit that makes it worth it. **** Must see. Call your relatives, friends and neighbors. Make sure everyone watches this one. ***** Call your Senator. ""Le Show, Harry Shearer, March 4, 2007"" Tales of Airport Security is back. I always liked the soundtrack and having my own experiences with airport "security" I am glad to hear it again. ""Democracy Now December 1, 2006"" Amy is coughing a lot today. I worried about her when she broadcast from near the World Trade Center all through the 9/11/2001 events. Hopefully just a cold. ****Interview of ??: Comments on current situation in Mexico about whether ?? will be inaugurated or not. Calderon, his electoral opponent is contesting and protesting the election. Highlight: when commenting on the people trying to block the inauguration who are camped out in the senate building in Mexico city, he mentioned "romance going on in the aisle". Boy are those Mexican politicians rockin' or what? In the aisles! *****Khalid Al Masri. In case you've been asleep for the past few years. Mr. Al Masri is a German Citizen of Turkish descent who was captured in ??? and taken by the CIA to be tortured in Afghanistan, apparently as part of the Extraodinary Rendition program. After 5 months of hell he was returned to the woods in Yugoslavia? In the middle of the night. Watch the translator getting choked up while she translates. It upset me too. Watch this and call your Senator. ****Interview of Weatherspoon member of 100 Blacks in Law Inforcment who Care. Wow! He criticized the officers who shot Sean Bell. You got to listen to this guy. |