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The following (after the dividing line) can be edited or added to as you wish. We should favor adding or changing rather than deleting. We are trying to come up with a basic syllabus that everyone can agree on. I can imagine though, writing alternatives for in the case that you would like to see some other content covered on that day. However, probably ideally we should create a syllabus that we can all pretty much agree on that is fairly detailed. After we "finish" it you can cut it and paste it into your favorite text processor and make a nice pretty syllabus to give to your students. Then you can add the sections that you like that other teachers don't.

I think the part of most interest (for me anyways) is the sort of day-to-day syllabus. It will undoubtedly change but I figure all of us can do better than any one of us (at least, better than I can alone...)

Basic editing instructions will appear at the bottom once you click "edit page". But there are also Text Formatting Rules and Tips For? Editing at the bottom of the page that you can click for more detailed information.

Basically all you need to know is don't indent (there is a special symbol for that, but I don't think we need any really) and put an extra return to start a new line, otherwise sequential lines will end up as one paragraph.

How to use: just click edit-page and make your changes and then click "save" basic editing rules are at the bottom, but let's try to keep it as simple text as possible. Only basic formatting to make it readable.

I put my questions in as typewriter font which you can do by putting two AT signs before and after the text. As we answer questions and get it written, we can delete these questions.

This is my version as adapted from Cornwell. I couldn't find his original so not sure how much editing I did back in January (probably not much) but you can compare it to what he wrote and act accordingly.

It will be helpful to add your name or initials (I use "bdt") in the Author: box, so we know who made a change.

I moved the Syllabus here

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Page last modified on April 01, 2005, at 07:14 AM