From Brian Teaman

Main: Toyonaka

Kaori's webite:

Here is the trash collection schedule for my neighborhood (Included within North Toyonaka)

Plastic stuff (cups, trays, wrapping) (Clean stuff for recycling)

Burnable trash including kitchen scraps

Nonburnable trash, Cans (aki kan), Glass not for recycling, light bulbs (denkyu), vinyl, styrofoam

Paper, clothing, towels, sheets, newspaper matter (shinbun chirashi), cardboard, Glass, magazines (zasshi hoka)

Glass bottles for recycling (bottles for eating and drinking and food) Other glass, broken glass.

1 bag allowed per week if you can fit it in a regular burnables bag.

You take to trash center: Bring to Clean Land Center 60 yen per 10kg. Harada Nishi-Machi 2-1. Phone: 6841-5394. M-F 2-4:30. Saturday, 12:30-3:30. Always call first. Requires residency in Toyonaka, but you can confirm it verbally. Need MOT (car registration) to show the weight of the vehicle.

Pick up: 170 yen per 10kg. Free dial from 06 numbers: 0120-538-370.

Tree less than 30cm. in diameter. Length less than 3 meters. Branches less than 50 15 cm. diameter and Length less tha 50cm. Call to arrange pick up.

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Page last modified on July 04, 2008, at 11:25 AM